2011; 10-channel video-installation, various sizes, various duration
heroes. female heroes. female heroes of female heroes.
work "femmes fatales" is a five-channel video-installation
consisting of virtual interviews between me and five other women.
each "video-interview" is projected into the corner of a different room so that i, with my face taken from profile, watch and talk to a face of a woman. i look in the mirror-on them- and they stare
into nowhere/to the camera/at the missing/imaginary/dead being
represented by an empty chair in the middle of the room. Women
describe a particular female hero, who affected their life. these
women were chosen by me partially for the same reason- in a
certain moment they became "my heroes" and somehow influenced my
perception of identity, subject, role and mainly
the disrupted dialogue is a power game- that of domination and
freedom and a survey of cultural determination and degree of
autonomy in the process of self-creation. interweaving fragments
of monologues occuring from various rooms make up produce new
a triangle
a mirror
a tree /family/